Consciousness Divides to adapt to new Complexities

The meditation we have learned in this lesson for creating a map of the Inner universe adds new layers of complexity to illustrate how Consciousness adapts to new complexities. This guided example involves walking a moonlit path while overlaying symbols and representations of the story being told, focusing on the horizontal and vertical planes, senses, Shen, and prana. The process leads to a new layer, the Decider, representing stepping out of 2-dimensional thought into multi-dimensional thought, though not representing the full-dimensional scope of Fractal Consciousness.


If you've completed the meditation for creating your own map of your Inner universe, you might have begun to notice that a few important pieces were not included. I want to add a few new layers of complexity to your Map of the Inner Universe to illustrate how your Consciousness Divides to adapt to new complexities.


Take a moment to settle into your body before stepping into the Hologram of the Inner Universe.

Take a breath and orient yourself to those horizontal planes, the senses, the layers of Shen, and the movements of prana.

While keeping this hologram front and center in your mind, I want you to walk a moonlit path. Keep your symbols, your representations like an overlay to the story being told.

 If you feel tingling sensations in your physical brain, take this process extra slowly. 

Let the neural pathways grow.

Watch the story being told with this moving grid of Shen, Prana, and the focus of senses. 

It's okay for some layers to go completely unmanifest. Just noticed that they're no longer needed.

What layer comes the closest to you?

What layer is furthest away?

Where does this story sit in the horizontal layers? The vertical?

Every single placement is a conversation.

This conversation is a new layer, and this layer is called the Decider.

Take a deep breath, and come back to your here and now. Remember to wiggle your fingers, wiggle your toes. Drink some water and smile.


This experience is a guided example of stepping out from 2-dimensional thought into multi-dimensional thought, and although complex, it does not represent the full-dimensional scope of Fractal Consciousness. This is, however, a great example of what you can expect from the Containment process, both in how it will feel and the effort it can take to maintain it while still communicating in Linear Consciousness. 


As you can see, you have not lost the ability to think in only horizontal or vertical planes; you have grown the capacity to understand that there are dimensions beyond these layers that are no longer limited to their prescribed axis. 


Lesson 6 Exercise: Mapping Interphasic Symbols


Locations in Space-Time – Bridge between Past and Future