Following the Energy – Multiphasic translation across the Unmanifest Void

Following unmanifest energy involves slowing down experiences and allowing the unconscious mind to daydream. This can result in new forms, structures, and dimensions of awareness in Consciousness. The process may take time, with the "9-Minutes" limit, and the experience is unique. The Containment Process, once completed, will change your experience of these events from a Linear experience into a Fractal experience.


When we are approaching the experience of following unmanifest energy, it can be described as holding on to the unmanifest energies, slowing down our experiences long enough to let your unconscious mind begin to daydream, taking those first tentative steps in allowing the structure of your Consciousness to begin to take on new forms, new structures, new dimensions of awareness.


By the time your unconscious mind starts telling you a story, the change has already occurred. Now you are slowing it down until you can consciously return to that state. Sometimes it comes right back, and sometimes it can disappear for days or weeks. With "9 Minutes" as our limit to how long we typically have to traverse this unmanifest void and make a solid connection to a symbol, this may likely be your experience. Have patience with yourself and the experience you are having. Try to savor it if you can.


These specific experiences, just like our dreams, are once in a lifetime and will not happen again in this way once you complete the Containment Process. As the old adage goes, "No one steps into the same river twice."


Locations in Space-Time – Bridge between Past and Future


Phasic States of Awareness: Multiphasic Symbols