Limitations of Spiritual Systems in Linear Consciousness

In Linear Consciousness, many spiritual systems are trapped in endless loops of shifting levels of safety and wellbeing. However, relying solely on a healing modality in Linear Consciousness can only provide temporary solutions, as the real cause of the need will resurge. Fractal consciousness offers a way to recognize and meet deeper needs of consciousness and guide others to do the same in their own way, breaking free from cookie-cutter archetypes and spiritual modalities.


It's a fair axiom to say that many people don't turn to spirituality if everything is going great. When you see spiritual systems (any system of thought that attempts to bring you to the direct experience of non-physical reality) for the first time, their first focus is ensuring the safety and wellbeing of their potential consumers. All spiritual systems start with a sense of healing, and what is healing but the recognition and taking action on a specific need? Different systems can explain these needs in different modalities, but the end result tends to be the same. "Focus on the healing to train more healers."


Our collection of cultures are they are today are the rehashing of thousands-year-old archetypes, many of which keep us entangled in outdated levels of consciousness. 


Whether you are healing your health, wealth, sense of purpose, or identity, these cyclical processes often leave us wanting more. Maybe they need to go to the depth you know you can dive to. They may be too heavily based on an individual's perception of reality that doesn't resonate with you. Or you're looking for who you can be, beyond a 'healer'.


In linear consciousness, where the personal need is driven by the outer reality, many spiritual seekers expect the healer to read their need of consciousness. The healer, for all their best intentions, are still in Linear and can only read from their own personal experiences, and will give solutions that are limited to what they contain. This is like me describing what it feels like to drink water when thirsty and hope you feel better. With the right hypnosis, it can feel amazing for a few moments. But eventually the real need resurges, until you can find the water for yourself.


In Fractal consciousness, we explore how to recognize those deeper needs of consciousness, and why having your own direct experience of meeting those needs is the only way to truly satisfy them. You will learn to recognize and meet these needs and how to guide others to do the same in their own way.


It's time to break free of cookie-cutter archetypes and spiritual modalities.


Advanced Constellation Maps


What do you mean by Gravity?