Study Group 1: Sightseeing with Energy Engineering

Tier 0 - Sightseer (Free): Welcome to the Energy Architecture and Engineering Orientation Page! As a Sightseer, you get a sneak peek into the fascinating world of energy architecture and engineering. Gain access to Lesson 1 and the Orientation Page, where you'll discover the foundations of this transformative field. Explore the possibilities and decide if this course is the perfect fit for your journey into the realms of energy and consciousness.



January 26th 5:00pm to 6:00pm Pacific Standard Time (-8 GMT)

January 27th 9:30am to 10:30am Pacific Standard Time (-8 GMT)

Lesson 1:

February 2nd 5:00pm to 6:00pm Pacific Standard Time (-8 GMT)

February 3rd 9:30am to 10:30am Pacific Standard Time (-8 GMT)

Zoom Links:

Group A (Friday 5:00pm PST) Click Here

Group B (Saturday 9:30am PST) Click Here


Study Group 2: Tinkering with Energy Engineering


Build of the Month