Any Energy you can Contain, You can Attune

In the early 2000s, I went to a weekend Reiki Training certification course in Pasadena, California, through the International Center for Reiki Training. After experiencing the Level 1 and Level 2 attunements, my curiosity was sparked. I had to know how the attunement process worked.

For the next three years, I worked hard at achieving my Advanced Reiki and Reiki Master certification, spending endless hours reverse-engineering the attunement process and testing the limits of what it was capable of.


In these 'mad scientist' years, I produced the theory that would forever change my life. This theory states:


Any energy you can contain, you can create an attunement for.


This theory was the birth of Energy Architecture and Engineering. This is why we map 'Constellations' and 'Polarities,' and our process is called 'Containment.'


The energies you manifest can become attunements for you to market as you see fit. I only ask that you allow your platform to be listed on our Capricorn Energetics site, so like-minded individuals can find the evolutions you offer. Help support others in manifesting their own authenticity and excitedly see what new energies emerge into reality. 


Center of Center/Golden Filament Process


Advanced States of Phasic Awareness