Center of Center/Golden Filament Process

This article explains what the 'golden filament' is and a little about how and why this process works as a form of Energy Architecture.


When performing a center-of-center meditation for others to install the golden filament, it's important to remember that your Self connects to the person's Self to provide the shifts in consciousness by applying gravity. Attempts to apply the changes through conventional Linear energy transfers will result in pranic filtering on both sides. If you are doing this for a recording, remember to treat the recording device as another person so that all who see/hear the record receive the same benefit.


At the most basic level, the golden filament is the installation of a gravitational plane of morphoplastic structure that contains the left and right hemispheres of the mind. By providing the energetic process of Containment at this initial beginning, you are giving a person the experience in energy. The story that their mind tells them of the experience will give you the indicators of the Need to keep their consciousness in Linear. The whole training process after this point is to teach them how to return to this state of Containment between the most significant divide in consciousness: the physical brain.


Once you have connected with the student's undivided aspect of Self, then use the 'fist of awareness' technique to increase the gravity at the point just over the roof of the person's mouth, continue to hold the space for their consciousness to divide until you can feel the sensations of the energetic structures collapsing into gravitation fields. This is the 'energetic sense' of a Moonlit Path being walked. Often the brain will attempt to translate this as sensations of 'black holes on horizontal fields in three dimensions,' which is typically just pranic networks expressing themselves as training, and it is normal for people to experience very loud and personal experiences during this containment process. Many people will also state they can feel sensations moving within their mind, itchy sensations, etc., and these are to be expected as neural pathways grow to accommodate this new layer of awareness.


How to Teach Energy Engineering


Any Energy you can Contain, You can Attune