Basic Constellation Map

Constellation Maps are a tool used in Energy Architecture and Engineering to examine the complex layers of energy in our bodies and how they move across different dimensions of manifestation. They help slow down the mind to increase awareness of these layers and interconnections and to work with them. The maps serve as a "sign language for speaking in energy" and can broaden one's energetic vocabulary. Still, the meaning of each symbol can vary based on personal experience and emotions. That's why Constellation Maps are used with a Dream Journal to gain a personalized understanding of their meaning.


Constellation Maps are the best process I have used to date. They allow the mind to slow down and examine the layers of energy we contain and how they move within our many dimensions of manifestation.


When you take the time to feel where energy moves in your body, you notice more depth, intricate layers, and interconnectivity. Giving ourselves the space and time to slow down, to notice them, and to begin to work with them, is a potent invitation for your unconscious mind to begin to step up it's intuitive translations: it broadens your energetic vocabulary, so to speak. It is like sign language for speaking in energy, at a high level, and these Constellation Maps are your very first words in the language of energy.


While I wish to provide everyone a dictionary that thoroughly explains what each nuance means, it highly depends on how and when you experienced these symbols and what you felt about them. This is why we combine Constellation Maps with the Dream Journal so that you will know precisely what they mean that is entirely relevant to you.


Let Me Introduce Myself


Exercise: Walking the Moonlight Path