Let Me Introduce Myself

Throughout history, every generation has had a moment of discovery that changed its civilization forever. It's that 'aha' moment when they realize something entirely new, using pioneering wisdom, technology, or a wild understanding of what's possible tomorrow. And despite their fears, they found the courage to expand and grow, creating new systems of thinking that revolutionized what humanity is capable of. From Newton's Second Law to Darwin's Theory of Evolution, these ideas reshaped our world.

Now, it's time for a new idea to ripple in the pond of human consciousness. And I, S.B. Robinson, am here to introduce myself and share my understanding of fractal consciousness. For over a decade, I've been exploring and teaching this powerful concept, drawing from my diverse experiences that range from my time as an enlisted Marine to my work under Fortune 500 companies like Microsoft, Amazon, and Nike.

But my journey has taken me much further than that. I've watched organizations rise and fall, meditated at sacred sites like Stonehenge and Avebury, and even studied Tantric Vajrayana Buddhism at the Sakya Monastery of Tibetan Buddhism. Through these experiences, I've gained a deeper understanding of what energy is, how to work with it, and how we can use this knowledge to shape the future of human energy systems.

And now, it's my honor to share this understanding with you. Get ready to discover a new way of thinking, tap into the power of fractal consciousness, and embrace a future full of limitless possibilities!


What is Energy Architecture and Engineering?


Basic Constellation Map