Breathing Through Your Eyes

While this looks like a chi exercise at first glance, it comes up most commonly with Shen activation. While this is pure theory, shen requires more chi as you learn to contain more complex structures of awareness.


To that end, I've found this exercise specifically helpful in holding more complex energy structures and wanted to share it with my Engineers, who will be asked to hold ever-increasingly complex structures of Consciousness.


To begin, you will treat your eyes the same as you do the palms of your hands and feet: they are gathering points to draw in energy. In the same way, draw in energy while inhaling from the eyes, through the brain, down your throat, and into your stomach.


Ensure the tip of your tongue is on the roof of your mouth, behind your front teeth. I have fillings in my molars that can sometimes get a sensation of chewing aluminum foil if I forget this part! Allow the energy building in your brain to transition down the roof of your mouth, through your tongue, down your throat, and into your stomach.


After 5-10 breaths, you will probably have the urge to swallow in the back of your throat. If you push your tongue as hard as you can over the roof of your mouth as you swallow, this should trigger your pineal gland to gently secrete its product into your saliva as you swallow. It can take 5-15 minutes to activate once swallowed, depending on your metabolism and whether your stomach is physically empty.


If you stay in meditation for the next 15 minutes, your next moonlit path should be more expansive than usual. Eating heavy foods will typically 'cancel out' the effects of this style of Moonlit Path and ground out the energy as the body focuses the chi on digestion.


Foundational Energy: Prana


Basics of Tracing Chi