Foundational Energy: Prana

Please only begin these lessons once you have completed all Chi and Shen basic exercises at least once.


The prana or pranic layer of energy is the aura, which translates the chi of shen into manifest reality. The aura is the filter of what is sent out with words and deeds and determines what energy from others can be aware of. Pranic gates of energy are part of this layer and can be experienced through stories and physical sensations. The chakras are symbols associated with pranic energy and are energetic lenses that limit and direct focus to help accomplish tasks. The pranic gate's configuration is shared with others when speaking with energy from this place, so they will know how and when to experience it.

The prana layer of energy represents the Need of Consciousness – to Remember.

The Basics of Prana

Prana as Auric Filters

How Shen Builds Prana

How to refuse the Shen of others

Networks of Prana as the basis of ego

The Grids Behind the Eyes


The Basics of Prana


Breathing Through Your Eyes