Complete Polarity Map Template

Polarity Map Worksheet

 Part 1: Map the Constellation to identify the Interphasic Symbol

Step 1: Define the pending Decision creating the fear-triggering Symbol identified

(Allow the mind to daydream/Walk a Moonlit Path)




Step 2: Avoidance reaction to the Decision

(Complete the Advanced Constellation worksheet, focus on Interphasic symbol identification)




Step 3a: Explore ways the mind Struggles against the Decision

(Symbols used to avoid experiences that require a Decision to be made) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



Need of Consciousness that holds Struggle in place: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________




Step 3b: Explore ways the mind Surrenders to the Need to avoid the Decision

Symbol(s) that triggers Surrender reactions: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________




Step 4: Need Creating the Experience

Need that this decision loop allows to be avoided: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


 Part 2: Complete a Polarity Map on the Interphasic Symbol

Step 1: Bringing the Interphasic symbol to mind, mark out its strongest qualities in the “Template” section.

For example, if your symbol has a very cold physical sensation along with a strong Memory, you would circle “Temperature” and “Memory”. This would give you the Aspects of “Energy” and “Integrity”.

Step 2: Once you have identified the dominant Aspects, use the associated Questions in the Aspect key to trigger a Moonlit Path. This portion is about exploring the Unmanifest Aspect of self.

Step 3: Is an example of the kinds of questions you could ask to trigger the Containment Process, where applicable.


Understanding Gravity as a Generator of Energy


Lesson 6 Exercise: Mapping Interphasic Symbols