Understanding Gravity as a Generator of Energy

Gravity is a long-range force that connects the microcosm and macrocosm, from an apple falling from a tree to the celestial dance between planets, moons, suns, and galaxies. Linear Consciousness is strongly electromagnetic, like the forces that steer compass needles and turns things from light to dark. Energy Engineering is about slowing down these processes enough to take conscious partnership with this natural part of Consciousness. Energy, as we experience it in Consciousness, is the tension between resisting forces and can be described as aspects of Consciousness that have divided. Moving the structure of your Consciousness through the application of gravity will become the most natural thing as you learn how to remember that you are a singularity of Consciousness.


To paraphrase what gravity is according to Professor Benjamin Schumacher:


"Gravity is a long-range force, a connector between the microcosm of an apple falling from the tree to the cosmic dance between planets, moons, suns, and galaxies."


You might consider your subtle experiences, like dreams and daydreaming, to be perceived as weightless; your memories and energy 'falling together' in an enclosed space. The attraction of this gravity pulls objects together from vast distances, memories, and physical sensations across space and time. Your Consciousness doesn't have to know that the planet was in a completely different celestial location for you to experience the memory of that moment. But it does.


To continue with the scientific metaphor, the Consciousness of the world we exist in today is strongly electromagnetic. It steers the compass needles and turns things from light to dark, manifest to unmanifest. And while electromagnetism is stronger than gravity, it often cancels itself out by how it repels and attracts its parts. Net electric forces essentially return to rest at '0'. Gravitational attraction cannot cancel out, and the more an object has, the greater the attraction. With gravity, app parts are held together through this gravitational attraction, and gravity is the main force that holds planets together.


You already work with gravity to create energy. You have done so every time you generate chi, shen, or prana. What we are doing with Energy Engineering is slowing down this process enough so that you can notice it and begin to take conscious partnership with this natural part of Consciousness.


As far as Consciousness is concerned, energy doesn't exist as we describe it. It's not a measurable fluid that we can pour out to have more or less of. As we experience it in Consciousness, energy is more like the tension between resisting forces, aspects of Consciousness that have divided, and the forces keeping them separated at that exact position, giving us the sensations of chi, shen, or prana.


As you become familiar with these structures of energy, you might just begin to realize that you're not opening and closing to energy like a tap faucet. You are moving the position of your Consciousness to create specific tensions that you experience as energy. This experience, you call energy, is the tension created by the gravity of your awareness.


The way you move your Consciousness is through the application of gravity. I want you to remember that you are a singularity of Consciousness.



What Are Aspects of Consciousness


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