Containment follows the 9-Minute Rule

Being conscious of one's actions and expressing them positively can lead to a more fulfilling state of consciousness. When Unmanifest energy is acted on consciously, not just react to, we experience our deepest possible personal growth.

Look for the most positive expression of your actions.

Remember that you are always accountable for every action you take.

By acting on Unmanifest Energy, you grow closer to containing the division that governs your state of consciousness.

‘Containment’ is about learning how to work with the gravity of your consciousness. This gravity is responsible for the expansiveness of your awareness. There is a difference between reacting to unmanifest energy from others and acting on the energy that belongs to your needs.

Mapping interphasic symbols to discover the repeating patterns of the decisions we avoid - the energy and aspects of Self that we keep in the Unmanifest - helps you contain the aspect of consciousness that you are ready to experience directly. You can see by your maps that the interphasic symbols are the moment where you have avoided an experience. By mapping enough of these interphasic symbols, you can observe the pattern you are avoiding. Look at the feelings for these symbols, the beliefs you've created around them, and where they land in your body.

Maybe the symbol is 'relationships,' and just like in a dream, the relationship ended so that you could not complete an experience.

It may be a need to set a boundary and a need to experience vulnerability.

Look at where the pattern has repeated and what that moment has allowed you to avoid. That is the aspect of consciousness you are preparing to contain through direct experience.

Our next step is to explore and practice following that unmanifest energy. However, before we get into the actual containment process, there is a critical factor that needs to be understood if your containment is to be successful.

Working with unmanifest energy is precarious and easily lost without anchors to shen energy. Unmanifest energy exists in pre-consciousness, and I've called it morphoplastic (form–shapable) for this reason. Even with advanced meditators and experienced Engineers, morphoplastic structures rarely survive 9 minutes in a manifest energy field before it dissolves or is dropped if the constellation switches suddenly.

Put simply…

This morphoplastic state of energy is the reason for hot and cold states of energy. Containment happens when energy is in a ‘hot’ state, and ‘monophasic’ states exist in ‘cold’ morphoplastic states. This is why attempts at containment should be accomplished within the ‘9-minute’ window.

Have you ever noticed a daydream suddenly change, stop, or collapse entirely out of memory. It happens when the story runs on an unmanifest aspect of consciousness that extends beyond what that unmanifest energy could support. It would help if you aimed to complete any containment activities within '9 minutes' of feeling the unmanifest energy. You can reduce pitfalls and delays by mapping out and inoculating against interphasic symbols.


Common ‘Gotcha’s’ in the Containment Process


Filling out Polarity Maps