Common ‘Gotcha’s’ in the Containment Process

The three needs of consciousness are Do, Become, and Remember. To identify your current need, you should name it specifically based on your experiences.

This process works best when you name the need in an alchemical reduction, starting with a declaration and then reducing it to a simple statement such as "I am worthy." When you arrive at this single word, you'll know you've found the whole polarity by identifying constellations that fulfill the three needs. Attempting this from other directions leads to rabbit holes.


The term "rabbit hole" refers to breaking down symbols into parts that fit logical definitions, which can be an unproductive and avoiding measure.

Questions and Answers


Question: If the needs of consciousness have already been named as Do, Become, Remember - are we supposed to work with one of those and name it? Int to ensure I understand the homework on identifying our current need of consciousness.


Answer: Those three needs are the buckets that the needs you're mapping fit into. I am asking you to name your need specific to the experiences that energy creates for you. For example, suppose I have an experience where I struggle against feeling alone (isolation) and completely surrender to experiences where I can get completely lost in other people's drama (hive mind) (constellations of abandonment polarized against constellations of energy vampirism). In that case, I could name my need for an alchemical reduction. First statements usually come out as a declaration: "I am allowed to tell my own story." Which gets reduced to: "My story is allowed to take up space in other's lives." Which gets reduced to "I am worthy of my story." And once you have the I am statement in a polarity map, you can usually find the word that contains the gravity: "worthy" in this case. So the polarized need for isolation and hive-mind is kept in place by the need for "worthy."


Q: This is a tremendous help. Can we have multiple polarities needs running at the same time? Or is it more likely that I'm dealing with one need at the moment and not seeing how it all fits together? Also, what happens from there? Do we experience a sense of wholeness once we arrive at this word?

A: the word you arrive at, you will know you've got the whole polarity because you can identify constellations that fulfill the three needs (be worthy, act worthy, remember worthy moments, etc.). So I would recommend that you get to this stage for your own process. This way, you will know, through your own direct experience and in complete trust of your own powerful capabilities, what your personal truth is.


Q: I want to clarify my understanding of interphasic versus multiphasic symbols. Seeing a box while watching the lid close - is interphasic because the object isn't still, and there is a movement towards something, correct? Is multiphasic when the symbols shapeshift into something else/look like they can be multiple things? Lastly, what do you call seeing rapidly flashing images of three monophasic symbols that dropped sequentially because they needed to be woven together?

A: In this specific context, a hinged box opening and closing is just a symbol. Placing something in the box first, and having an event occur when the box closes, means the box is interphasic. But just seeing a box on a hinged lid that stays the same whether the box is open or closed is monophasic. Monophasic symbols are referred to as 'symbols' because breaking down the individual components of a symbol in motion can be a deep and unproductive rabbit hole (or avoidance measure). Multiphasic (continuing this example) is where the box suddenly takes on a new dynamic beyond the initial use. For example, if the initial use is to put something in or take something out (kinesthetic), suddenly it pivots on a phonetic pun (auditory), and you get a story where the thing you put into a box suddenly enters a boxing ring. You're fighting it inside that boxing ring. The symbol has expanded to include a secondary axiom while maintaining its original structure.


For that last question, there are a lot of possibilities that it could be, and I'd much rather get you to a space where you can uncover the answer for yourself (especially since I know nothing about these specific symbols, their phasic structure, gravitational density, polarity, or morpho-plasticity).


On the assumption that it won't matter whether these three symbols are dropping in a specific sequence, or whether they are on a chained loop, or only run once in a while, it's going to be these same three symbols. If I were to take each symbol individually, they would likely have some implied motion for my awareness: a narrowing of focus before a change in how I hold my three primary layers of energy. Chi triggers, shen runs, and prana coats my aura. Every movement in me because of these symbols is like a gravitational vowel. And as I string these symbols together in new and different ways (like a baby babbling), eventually, I will hit on the right frame to resonate a word with meaning. A word that forms deep understanding. This word is a drop of gravity in the singularity of consciousness. So, what you might be looking for with these three symbols, is the unconscious recognition of a deep part of yourself coming together. Preparing to manifest. You can feel more is there beyond the symbols because what was previously unmanifest is starting to emerge from the depths of your awareness in these symbols when their presence together creates a familiar harmony. That familiar harmony calls your Self into manifest reality.


Q: I love this answer. It's so clear to me now! But now, please say more about the rabbit hole issue with interphasic symbols... is it because it's going down the path of avoiding what the movement is about?

A: The rabbit hole isn't about interphasic symbols, specifically, but in breaking down symbols into parts that are supposed to fit 'logical definitions'. Many people dig too far and too deeply into arguing against logical definitions that don't match their expectations of the symbol they're experiencing. If you've put the word "Love" into a box to protect your heart from feeling intimacy (just a random example), then demanding to have a "hinge" or "lock" fully defined, with all of their constellations mapped and in perfect alignment with their dictionary definitions, would be an avoidance measure to experiencing opening that box back up. It creates new axioms about 'hinges' and 'openness' to further subdivide the box as a NEED of consciousness to avoid containing the experience that the box represented. A lot of people, in the process of storytelling, hit a point where they can't decide what happens next. (Big hint there). So they start writing out the details of the surroundings, hoping that a symbol will trigger a coherent pathway. This is why you can have 25 pages of descriptions about medieval laundry or toothbrushing methods before any real action happens.


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