Discovering the Self

The following is a kind of parable to illustrate how we use certain kinds of ‘structures of consciousness’ to set our level of awareness.

Our lives are a series of plays, each lasting just a decade or so, as we travel from culture to culture, from community to community. As we journey, our consciousness grows, and the language we use to interpret the world becomes more complex.

Throughout our lives, we are given labels and masks, metaphorical costumes for each play that shape our identity in those moments. Sometimes we wear them for so long that we forget we can take them off, even if they no longer fit us. But behind all these cultural and collective experiences lies our true Self, our naked awareness.

This awareness contains all of the energies, and all of the memories that we can experience. Think of this Self like a museum of every garment that has ever existed, and will ever exist. Linear consciousness trades these costumes between people, and often times parts go missing or get traded out over time.

Have you ever looked in your mental closet and found that the clothes didn’t seem to fit who you are becoming? If so, it may be time for you to take a leap out of the costumes others have given you and create your own unique garment.

Your true self is the center of all your experiences, energies, and memories, organizing them into a complete picture of who you are. Each piece in your mental closet represents a different awareness, a mindset that describes who you are, what you're capable of, and how you got there. Like a clothing store, there are countless possibilities to choose from. Let’s explore who you are when you get to create your own experiences!


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