What is Energy Architecture and Engineering?

When I first became a Reiki Master, I was fascinated by the attunement process and spent a year trying to figure out how it worked. From this reverse-engineering, I developed a theory that would change how we think about energy! This theory states ‘Any energy you can contain, you can attune’, and that lead to the question that would change my life forever.

“How do we contain different kinds of energy?”

The answer to this question spent a decade in development and testing, pilot programs and now, it is available to you. It's called Energy Architecture and Engineering, a brand-new way to understand energy.

Instead of seeing energy as a traditional concept, we see it as a fractal pattern that can help you better understand yourself and your place in the world. And that's not all - we've also created a life coaching platform called Capricorn Energetics to help you connect with other gravity-based energy systems.

Through Energy Architecture and Engineering, we'll help you identify the things holding you back from living your best life and provide you with deep, energetic processes that will transform you from the inside out. If you're ready to take your life to the next level, sign up to start your journey!

Energy Architecture and Engineering is a transformative process that teaches you how to

  • Master your human energy systems of chi, shen, and prana.

  • Understand the three needs keeping you in Linear Consciousness.

  • Prepare to explore ‘gravity’ based levels of Fractal Consciousness.


Linear Consciousness is the phrase we use to describe the way people today use energy to achieve specific states of awareness. Past, present, and future experiences are arranged in a single line, and are arranged according to specific ordered steps. These steps inform us of the ‘how’ and ‘where’ to change to another state of consciousness. Each of these states of consciousness are inherited from our experiences with others.


Fractal Consciousness is a phrase we use to describe how to create original and authentic experiences using your gravity of consciousness. Where Linear Consciousness has the individual 'borrowing' structures of Consciousness from other experiences within memory, Fractal Consciousness generates these structures from the Authentic Self. By changing from ‘memory’ based structures of energy, to ‘Self’ based structures, we each get to manifest more of one's Self into this reality.


Discovering the Self


Let Me Introduce Myself