Fractal Consciousness, Expanded

Fractal Consciousness refers to the complex, generative patterns of awareness that repeat across different levels of Consciousness.

It involves dividing aspects of one's Consciousness to experience patterns in different dimensions of human energy systems, such as chi and memories. This allows for an expanded understanding of Consciousness beyond the limitations of memory and energy. Where Linear Consciousness has the individual 'borrowing' structures of Consciousness from other experiences via memory, Fractal Consciousness generates these structures from the Authentic Self to manifest more of one's Self into reality.


Fractal Consciousness is the infinitely complex and constantly generative of 'patterns of awareness' that repeat across different octaves of Consciousness in increasing complexity. Quite the mouthful, I know. Bear with me!


By repeating a process of dividing, "aspects" of your Consciousness experience the patterns within the many dimensions of human energy systems, like the heat of chi or how your memories and daydreams. This process can produce vivid sensory experiences. With Fractal Consciousness, our awareness grows in complexity beyond the currently existing scope of 'memory' and 'energy' by utilizing this very process of division.


The act of an Architect or Engineer for maintaining their presence in Fractal Consciousness means holding multiple layers of awareness together consciously. In short, your Consciousness is unrestricted by the energy of others' words and actions. You already do this today, when your mind wanders during chores, or performing visualizations during physical workouts. Fractal Consciousness allows you to expand these natural skills into new Dimensions.


Why we use Constellation Maps


Linear Consciousness, Expanded