Linear Consciousness, Expanded


To quickly summarize: Linear Consciousness is a way of arranging our experiences through sequential progression, where we react to external events based on our memories.


Linear Consciousness is recognized by the experience of physical sensations, memories, and the energy within a person's actions in the current moment. Linear Consciousness is defined by standardized education (specifically: Language Arts!), primarily characterized by a person waiting for external events to define their level of awareness. This style of Consciousness uses dream language and storytelling to change your energy, and the words both spoken and heard determine the level of Consciousness at which others will begin to meet you.


Put simply, Linear Consciousness is how we arrange our Consciousness through sequential progression. This sequence follows a fundamental pattern:

  • We have an experience.

  • We decide our reaction to this experience.

  • We create our future experience based on this reaction.


In this kind of Consciousness, how we remember a thing decides how we create our future experiences. If we bite an apple with a worm in it, it may give us different memories of an 'apple' than someone who has never eaten an apple, but has used an Apple product like an iPhone. Linear Consciousness is using memory as the foundation of your future' level' Consciousness.


If you seek an expansive understanding of your Consciousness free from the confines of only the things you can remember, this training is for you. Together, we will explore the building blocks of Consciousness and how to create experiences with energy beyond 'normal' Linear Consciousness that, for the moment, defines many of your limitations. You will learn how to free your awareness from external restraints. To re-create the realities you live in using the tools and energy systems freely available to us today.


Linear Consciousness is the term used in Energy Architecture and Engineering to describe the state and process of Human Consciousness. It is what each of us learned at the beginning of standardized education. It is how we arrange our experiences based on sensation and reaction: we experience external forces 'beyond our control' and react to this experience based on our memories of previous experiences.


It is primarily recognizable in the order in which experiences happen for a person:

  • An observation using a physical sense (sight/sound/texture/temperature/smell, etc.) triggers a memory

  • The memory informs the physical body to recreate the pattern of experience (e.g., fear responses, arousal responses, etc.)

  • The person acts in the current moment with the level of Consciousness from that memory.


For example: as a child, I'm sure most of us have had the experience of some year-end testing. We sit in lectures and read books, take a test, are graded on what we remember, and end up with a very binary "pass or fail." This binary result often informed us of how we would be expected to feel, and probable experiences in our future.


 In this configuration of Consciousness, a person waits for an external event to inform the level of awareness. Another way to describe this consciousness style is that Linear uses stories to change our energy.


There must first be an experience in linear Consciousness, then a reaction that allows me to become a 'new' version of myself. The words I speak become the level of consciousness others will meet me at. "I" become the product of my reaction to the energy of my experiences. This experience in linear time determines my state of Consciousness.


In Energy Architecture and Engineering, I am offering you the opportunity to learn another way of arranging your Consciousness, one that is purely authentic to YOU, at a level deeper than energy, and in harmony with Reality, Truth, and Natural Law. I call this arrangement "Fractal Consciousness".


Fractal Consciousness, Expanded


What is an Energy Engineer?