Holding Engineering sessions for Others

As a trained Engineer, you are now aware of the deeper structures of Consciousness and the way our energy systems influence our experience of reality. You will now be trained in how to hold Engineering Sessions for others.


Step 1: Identifying Clients

Checking for Trauma: Energy Architecture and Engineering is not a healing modality. We are looking for aspects of the Self attempting to manifest for a person and expressing itself as a looping, dissatisfying experience. These will be experiences that the person alone is responsible for. If these experiences bridge into traumatic experiences and toxic relationships or activate emotional turbulence, please do not continue the session at this time.


Obtaining Consent: Asking a person if they would be open to receiving a coaching session or if they just need to be witnessed can be an enormously successful question to begin a session with. This question allows them to make their first Decision of the session: are they ready to be open to changes?


Respect and the value of Empty Spaces: A beautiful Daoist story explains the difference between value and usefulness. It goes a little something like this:

A block of wood is valuable because it is a material that can become something else. If we were to carve this block of wood into a bowl, the bowl still retains the value of the wood. But, a bowl's usefulness comes from the hollow space we have carved into it. Within these hollow spaces, things can flow, and usefulness is expressed. The hole of a home and its doors and windows. The emptiness of a blank piece of paper. Even an alphabet has hollow spaces, and once we learn the structure of a sentence, the words that flow through those hollow spaces can create vivid new dimensions of experience.


Our questions are valuable when we hold an Engineering session for another person. The hollow spaces we allow the person's awareness to flow through make our question useful.


Respect the experience this person is having, and remember that you are the one holding the space to allow new aspects of their Self to manifest into this reality – possibly for the first time ever. It is a moment worthy of reverence.


Step 2: Listening for the Dream Language

The most important thing you can remember when holding a session for someone else is to remain centered in your reality when you listen to your client. The goal is to listen to their energy, not get lost in their stories. Because that is what they are giving you: a story about how they observed their energy shifting from one state to another. We are not responsible for the definitions of their symbols or the energies they have associated with their memories in this space. You can maintain respect for their experiences by acknowledging their experiences with the same words and symbols they give you in this storytelling process.


It is also extremely important to remember that you do not need to live their experiences to provide them successful Engineering sessions. This session you are providing them is not to validate the ego or prove there is a 'more correct' way to experience a reality! It is to help them understand what aspect of their Self is struggling to be born into this world they have created for themselves.


As you are listening to the client, you will want to steer them gently towards what having these experiences is allowing them to avoid. At this stage of Energy Engineering, once they have identified what they are avoiding, we stop here. We give them time to process and to slowly experience this layer of unmanifest energy at their own pace. Let's look at how we identify those avoided decisions.


Step 3: Identifying Interphasic symbols and the Decision Avoided 


Here comes the tricky part. When listening to your client, you're paying attention to those '9-Minute' moments. The biggest effort of a session is usually trying to catch those parts of the story that seem to jump from one constellation to another. It may take a few conversations and drift over multiple topics. Still, eventually, you will catch the Interphasic symbol: the topic that they are unconsciously jumping to another constellation from. This symbol often represents the Decision that they are avoiding. You can test if this is the right symbol by using it in a question. If the avoidance increases or the client starts showing discomfort, back off the question and make a mental note. You've found the interphasic symbol!


Step 4: Constellation Mapping for others – reliving dreams and how to break the state when you're done.

Immediately after discovering the interphasic symbol, change the topic. Introduce a '9 Minute' moment, and let their emotions settle. For more Advanced Engineers, you should notice their Shen cooling down in this space. While you are in this cool-down period, take some time to make notes on what you've just uncovered in a basic constellation map: What memories came up, what they experienced in their physical body/physiological reactions, the emotions that came up when the interphasic symbol was identified and what kinds of experiences they shifted into to avoid that interphasic symbol.


Step 5: Asking Questions to reveal the Need with respect and compassion:

This step is defined by the ubiquitous phrase 'mind the gap!' where we remain mindful of what might be missing and understand that this space exists because something is flowing through it. These are the shadows of unmanifest structures of Consciousness preparing to emerge for a person. The interphasic symbols have been established to either slow down or fully stop this process because that initial experience represented some kind of challenge to a belief this person is holding about themselves. This is the real danger in the 'gap' – the interphasic symbol protects their ego from a direct challenge to their identity. As Engineers and Architects, we are responsible for giving people safe, sane, and positive pathways to manifest this aspect of themselves. The interphasic symbol is one example of a way NOT to do this. For this reason, we do not build structures directly from another person's interphasic symbols.


In Energy Architecture and more advanced Engineering levels, we will learn how to build on top of them using what we call 'Multiphasic Structures,' but for the purposes of these Engineering Sessions, we will only be creating a safe space around this gap so that your client can more mindfully maneuver around it. This process does not change the state of Consciousness out of linear, and it must remain so. The Decision to step into Fractal Consciousness should be offered in full awareness and with the conscious consent of the individual.


Mindful of the gap we are about to step across with our client, we can create a new structure of Consciousness for the client to begin safely becoming aware of their interphasic symbol. Let's say a client had an experience where they were job-hopping and struggling to find meaningful work that leaves them feeling fulfilled at the end of the day. Across four different topics, from descriptions of their boss to the snacks in the break room, you notice that the topic wanders every time 'money' comes up. When you ask clients how they feel about money, they might grow anxious, disparaging, or outright hostile. We've found the interphasic symbol: there is a decision they are avoiding about the 'money.'

Now you can ask open-ended, hypothetical questions that they "don't have to answer right now." Maybe the question sounds like, "Who would you be if you made more money? Or Less Money?" "What would having more money mean for you? What does having less money mean for you?" "What memories come up for you with 'money'?". Finally, you'll want to try to time these questions in the middle of the client's '9 Minute' cycle.


If you pay close attention, you will notice that the interphasic symbol of 'money' has been wrapped around a Need of Consciousness: Being, Doing and Remembering. Simply asking these questions will build those safer pathways around 'money' and how the client may have used it to avoid being fully present. These avoidance measures can range from "I don't have to worry about 'x' responsibilities if I can always put my money as a higher priority" to "The only rich people I've ever met were assholes, and I'm not an asshole, so I can never have more money than I do right now."


With this current level of engineering, just getting these statements mapped out is a massive win, and most clients are extremely satisfied with stopping here. For Advanced Engineers and Architects, you know that this is the foundation for a much more profound evolution, and I look forward to sharing this with you in the coming weeks.


Step 6: Give it time!

The best Engineering sessions activate when someone remembers that moment you are providing them in the future. Once you've given the person the questions that help identify the need for the interphasic symbol, this is the stopping point for our work. Any further progress is completely up to the individual client, so take some time to finish filling out any constellation or polarity maps you are using and close out by wishing them a beautiful day.


Energy is always attaching to memory


Lesson 5 Exercise: The Red Line