Lesson 5 Exercise: The Red Line

This exercise is designed to help you become familiar with the 'first words' when conversing in energy with your Decider. We will use a basic shape of a 'Red Line' to establish a baseline between yourself and your Decider. It is important to pay attention to the differences in expectations between what you think you will see and what your Decider will show you, without judgments.


Let us begin this exercise now.


Using the same method as the previous meditations, breathe into the sphere and connect with your Center of Center. Step into your Inner Hologram.


When you feel ready to take the next step, I want you to test the strength of the connection to your Decider.


Ask your Decider to show you a single red line with closed eyes.


Allow the red line to manifest without an expectation of any specific outcome.


This is your Decider showing you what lenses are currently active in your constellation. Notice the tone of the red line; consider if it has any vividness or dullness. Experience any memories that may come up for you and note them.


Open your eyes and ask your Decider to show you a red line again. Practice bringing forward your unconscious mind into your waking reality. This exercise can develop powerful skills like aura reading, seeing energy flows, and the like. Notice how the red line changes, if at all, across different environments and emotional states. Treat this as a baseline to gauge how your pranic field creates a lens of awareness and translates your reality experience.


If the experience of the red line has not produced any variances like changes in color, number of lines, or distracting mental stories or dreams while you have been visualizing this red line, you have maintained what can be called a 'stable phase.' The phase that remains stable throughout the majority of your day is your dominant constellation. Remember not to assign any values or judgments to a constellation. They all served a valuable purpose in your life at some point and deserved to be stated in the positive.


The energy from memories constructing your hologram in your dominant constellation is static, unchanging, and stable. But what happens to this red line if you try to play a genre of music you don't usually listen to or like? What happens to that red line if you turn on the tv to a drama, news, or romance? How about when talking to a friend or family member? Eventually, you'll come up against an environment that drastically changes how you see the red line. When you do, you'll have an example of a different 'phase,' a constellation of memories that changes your Consciousness based on which phase your Decider has called forward from the unmanifest void.


As you learn how to hold these conversations with your Decider, your Moonlit Paths will naturally take on a new dynamic: one of an active conversation.


Beginning to step into Fractal Consciousness to have conversations in energy is a vast experience, and you have taken the first step into the Fractal, beyond the foundations, by learning how to hear and understand the language of your energy.


Frequent Questions and Answers:


What if the line isn't red? I see an (orange-yellow, purple, pink, green, etc.) line. Does this matter?


Variances to our expectations in this space are a message from your Decider. You may want to step into your hologram and have a daydream 'conversation' on why the orange-yellow line. Pay attention to the feelings and energies that come up if you gently change the color to red.

Look/listen carefully to any memories that come up here!


When I read your words, I feel like my brain is reorganizing or moving and expanding to capture your tones. Is this expected?


It is normal to feel your mind rearranging neural pathways to make new connections and expand its sphere of influence.


When I read these or practice with the concepts, I focus on galactic or universal environments rather than the environment around me (things in front of me like trees, etc.).


While exploring the multiverse can be a beautiful experience, it can also become a trap, where we quickly lose track of our energy and get lost in the story we expect to hear. It is crucial to come back to the physical body and physical experience in these early stages. It will help you maintain a point of connection to the world your body lives in.


Do we each pre-define our limit of Consciousness in these phases?


The limitation of your awareness is governed by the phases you are actively using.


I see blank spots in dreams or daydreams, or a memory comes up blank.


Blank spots can happen when a memory or symbol is attached to a Phase that is too far removed from your active awareness; the memories and the energy are 'stuck' in an Unmanifest Void. You can see the same influence of a too-distant Phase with future memory when the phase it comes from is too far out of scope from the phase you interpreted it in. It doesn't mean anything is wrong or needs to be fixed. It is simply that the energy from those phases is not compatible with the energy phase you are actively in.


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