Human Energy Systems: Foundations of Consciousness

The tension of the inner universe of your mind forms the basis of waking awareness and can be experienced as physical movement, mental experiences, and behavior motivation. These three types of energy are referred to as Chi, Shen, and Prana and reflect the needs of Consciousness to do, remember, and become. Recognizing the presence of specific energy types and maintaining structures of awareness can lead to greater responsibility for multidimensional experiences of reality.


The tension we experience as energy, within the universe of mind, is the foundation for your waking awareness.


This energy can be experienced in many ways. Still, the three we all share in common are energy that moves the physical body, energy that moves the experiences of mind and awareness, and energy that motivates our behaviors with our environment.


We refer to these three bases as Chi, Shen, and Prana.


These three energy patterns reflect three basic needs of Consciousness: the need to do, the need to remember, and the need to become.


By learning to recognize when a specific energy type is present or maintaining specific structures of awareness, we can begin to take larger responsibility for our multidimensional experiences of reality at a foundational level.


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