Limitations of Language in Fractal Consciousness

Dreams sometimes contain complex symbols with multiple meanings (multiphasic symbols) that can be difficult to explain in Linear Consciousness. Advanced Engineering recognizes this as a known challenge of Fractal Consciousness. Energy Engineers practice slowing down to consciously grasp these processes and bring insights into Linear Consciousness.


Have you ever had a dream that made perfect sense while you were having it, but the moment you tried to explain it, the words no longer made sense when spoken out loud together?


This is an example of the mind experiencing Fractal Consciousness randomly in dream states, where the symbol in the dream contains multiple layers of meaning simultaneously (we call these "Multiphasic Symbols" in Advanced Engineering). When you wake up and your awareness settles back into linear Consciousness, the symbols return to their regular 'Interphasic' processes. As you grow in your prowess and understanding as an Energy Engineer, you will practice slowing down and consciously grasping each of these processes and experience the expansive Consciousness of Fractal Awareness. At the same time, you are awake and bring gravity-filled words back into Linear Consciousness to share these depths of understanding with the world.


Lesson 2 Exercise: Starting your first Constellation Map


Human Energy Systems: Foundations of Consciousness