Introducing Fractal Consciousness

Benoit Mandelbrot introduced his book “Fractals: form, chance, and dimension” with the following:

“Many important spatial patterns of Nature are either irregular or fragmented to such an extreme degree that Euclid – a term used in this Essay to denote all of classical geometry – is hardly of any help in describing their form. The coastline of a typical oceanic island, to take an example, is neither straight, nor circular, nor elliptic, and no other classical curve can serve without undue artificiality in the presentation and the organization of empirical measurements and in the search for explanations. Similarly, no surface in Euclid represents adequately the boundaries of clouds or of rough turbulent wakes. More generally, many patterns of Nature that had already attracted the attention of primitive Man involve, in comparison to Euclid, not only a higher degree but an altogether different level of complexity.”


It is in this vein that I present to you the difference between the Euclid ‘Linear Consciousness’ of today, with the Fractal Consciousness that awaits us.


Fractal Consciousness is a way of thinking where you can create original and authentic experiences using your true Self's energy. To live this way, you need to be aware of your thoughts, become able to be aware of multiple dimensions at once, and respect the experiences that come from it.

When we use a special kind of energy called shen, we can expansively shift how we think and talk. This helps us make new kinds of energy and connections that go beyond normal language and time limits.

Talking to others from gravity means using special symbols from different ‘phases’ of consciousness to reveal hidden levels of consciousness and prepare them for direct experiences. You will learn in this course how this helps you focus on your own needs and feelings while letting others do the same for themselves.


What is an Energy Engineer?


Introducing Linear Consciousness