Introducing Linear Consciousness

Linear Consciousness is the phrase we use to describe the way people today use energy to achieve specific states of awareness. Past, present, and future experiences are arranged in a single line, and are arranged according to specific ordered steps.

Let's take a moment to recognize the energy systems that have brought us this far! Like the flow of energy in every breath, and the energy from water, light, and food coursing through the body's meridians that create mighty feats of martial arts and physical healing. The Chinese called it chi, and Hindus called it prana. It's the basis of many energetic practices today, from acupuncture and tai chi to yoga and kundalini meditations.

But what happens after we use that energy? It's time to pay attention to how that energy attaches to memory and how memory affects our energy each time it's recalled. Ask a Reiki healer about how mood affects energy and vice versa. Your aura acts like a giant lens, filtering the world around you and determining what you focus on.

In other words, energy attaches to memory.

Your energetic lens of perception is created by the energy you recall. It all starts with memory if you want to expand your perception and capabilities. The mind is an organ that perceives this energy and tells a story about what it sees. The subconscious attaches symbols to energy and tells a story of changes in your awareness. Ever had a dream that made perfect sense while asleep but not when you woke up? That's the language of energy your subconscious speaks, and it doesn't always translate easily to structured languages spoken between people.


Introducing Fractal Consciousness


Prerequisites for Becoming an Energy Engineer