Lesson 3: the Dream Journal

Access the Dream Journal Template Page here.

Let’s start to look closer at the power of dream language and how it can help you to understand and grow your consciousness. Dreams are a conversation between your unconscious mind and your awareness that symbols are filled with constellations and memories that represent your authentic feelings and energies. Studying and understanding these symbols can unlock new levels of awareness and growth in your life.


So, how can we understand and interpret the symbols from our Moonlit Paths? An excellent place to start is to begin a Dream Language Dictionary Checklist. This checklist will be available in this lesson and asks four crucial questions: where did the energy attach to memory, what can I remember in this constellation, what are my wants or needs when I feel these symbols, and what does having this want or need give me; what could its presence allow me to avoid?


Next, we should look for symbols that contain the same definitions in different constellations. For example, the symbol of "eating" can represent different things, such as masticating food or devouring a good book, but it still provides the same energetic reactions. It's essential to find at least one of these symbols specific to your "I am" statement for later lessons and circle it when it appears in your constellation map. Finally, you should review your core beliefs and see if you can find symbols that match a core belief by definition or feeling.



Describe your dream in as much detail as you can remember.

Dream Language Dictionary Entry Checklist:


  • Where did the energy attach to memory? Where are the active Chi, Shen, and Prana?

  • What kinds of symbols or experiences can I remember in this constellation? What dream symbols come up for me?

  • What are my wants, expectations, or needs when I feel these symbols?

  • What does having this want or need give me? What could its presence allow me to avoid?


Start looking for symbols that contain the same definitions in different constellations. An example we have already covered would be the word "eating." "Eating," tells us to do the same energetic activity, whether masticating food or devouring a good book, and can exist in different places on the constellation while still providing the same energetic reactions.


In the later lessons, you will require at least one of these symbols specific to your "I am" statement. Be sure to circle it when it comes up in your constellation map. Now review your core beliefs captured from Lesson 1. Can you find any symbols that match a core belief by definition? How about just by feeling?


The expansive thoughts to consider this week are: "Have you begun to identify your dominant constellation yet? What could that mean for the level of consciousness you are presenting for others to meet you at?"


Dream Journal Template Page


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