Overview of Natural Law in Energy Architecture

The following axioms make up a collection of accepted ‘Natural Laws’ within Energy Architecture and Engineering. These laws represent rules for the organization and structuring of energy within your consciousness as a result of Linear Consciousness.

The first law states: Energy attaches to memory.

The body continuously cycles energy by collecting it from digested foods, sunlight, breath, and interacting with other living beings. This energy is spent during physical movement or strong emotion that produces a physical reaction (whether or not you acted on it).

When others observe one person's reactions, the energy they project along with a subconscious symbol is stored in the observer's memory. Each observer might store the energy in different octaves, depending on their focus of awareness. As that memory is triggered, whether intentionally or not, the initial band of energy is transmitted out from the physical body, often referred to as the aura.

This continuous cycle of energy and memory is how the energy structure of cultures and subcultures are defined, maintained, and transmitted between individuals.

The second law states: Energetic Phases group memories.

Do you recall earlier when you were asked about your specific apple? If you allowed the experience to happen, it would have shown you that actively remembered energies would be entirely 'manifest' in your aura as the lens of your perception. The memory of eating an apple would be present in your aura. Still, all the examples that you could only remember after being prompted represent 'unmanifest' energy that you contain but are not actively using. Manifest Energy is the memory that defines the scope of your awareness and limits your possible reactions.

In the same way that the mind collects symbols in phases, cultures gather potential experiences from people.

The third law states: Phases are energetically isolated.

Phases are expressed as organically generated fractal structures of consciousness. Bear with me here; I know that's a big one. One phase will flow into the next phase by using symbols containing energy from the previous one that simultaneously bridges many phases. Let's look at how these manifest in daily life: identifying a need to buy groceries.

Let's consider your pantry as an aspect of consciousness. It is a dimension of space for the need of 'hunger' to exist. Your pantry is low, so you identify a need for more groceries and make a decision to start getting these groceries now. You write down a list of symbols based on how they previously made you feel. You take your list with you in your vehicle to purchase the items.

You enter the store, identify, select your appropriate items, pay for them, and return home. You array the new things in your pantry based on habit, memory, or convenience and decide the need to obtain groceries has been met. Grocery stores are rarely 'consciousness expanding' locations, are they? To understand why, we need the following fundamental principle.

The fourth law states: No Structure can grow beyond the energies that support it.

Energy is the root of direct experience; it is a tension between the polarities of a divided aspect of awareness. The dividing force is described as a need of consciousness. The needs we have attached to specific symbols determine the level of consciousness that symbol represents in our awareness. We will go in-depth about the 'hows' and 'whys' of this in the Lessons that follow.

All of this leads us to the fifth principle, the one that has kept us confined in a cycle of repeating the same experiences.

The fifth law states: Feeling energy changes nothing. Containing energy changes everything.

The sensation of feeling energy is the mind observing a shift in tension between divided aspects of awareness. The function of the mind, as a sensory organ, includes the sensing of energy. It describes observations using symbols that are energy attached in memory. Like having a daydream, moving the symbol does not move or change the energy you contain any more than painting a picture could create the terrain for you to plant a tree in.

This fifth fact is our first and most crucial place to introduce change. The Human Energy Systems of tomorrow will get us back to our core energy and understanding the needs that are genuinely our own.

To this end, these are the ethics of energy containment that you should follow to maintain good energetic hygiene and begin to return to your energetic authenticity.

These laws have been provided for reference and will be a foundational structure of the training within this course.


Lesson 3: the Dream Journal


First Principles of Energy Engineering