Systems in the generation of 'EvoPrana.'

The use of morphoplastic energy to transform an interphasic symbol into a multiphasic symbol significantly impacts the energy and structure of consciousness. This change is referred to as 'gravity.'

When acting on gravity, the lenses that create the active filters are no longer just 'prana.' It is called in Energy Architecture 'EvoPrana' and leads to experiences such as spontaneous manifestation and profound moments of 'future memory' for those around the person speaking with gravity. EvoPrana is the 'energy' that begins the process of working outside of linear Space-Time. As engineers and architects, it's essential to be mindful of how our words and communication impact others, as they may increase morphoplastic energies.


The completion of using morphoplastic energy to build new dimensions of awareness around an interphasic symbol, transforming it into a multiphase symbol, does more than change the structure of your consciousness. It alters the energy of your consciousness at fundamental levels. We call this change 'gravity,' but if we pull out our mental microscopes and take a closer look at what is happening when we use our 'gravity' in linear consciousness, we will see something exciting!


For those who have completed Containment, think of the word you used. Call it up and notice what shifts in your body. When you act on this shifting energy, it's no longer just 'prana.' You are providing multiphasic energy in every movement and communication. People around you will pick up more energy from your communications because you can now communicate from multiple dimensions simultaneously.


This function is called 'EvoPrana,' short for 'Evolutionary Prana.' This prana is designed to gently integrate back into Linear Consciousness while providing opportunities for spontaneous manifestation of unmanifest structure, generating more "A-ha!" moments at an energetic level. With EvoPrana, more than any other energy, we as Engineers and Architects must be mindful of respecting the experiences others will have around us. Our words will increase Morphoplastic energies in people, and we are holding the space and respect for the experiences of others.


Remember that you carry this EvoPrana with you whenever you speak with gravity, and it will lead to profound moments in the people you speak with, whether virtually or in person.


Advanced States of Phasic Awareness


Temperatures of Shen: Morphoplastic Structures