Temperatures of Shen: Morphoplastic Structures

In this article, we will explore a new layer to the concept of Shen. When Shen gets 'hot,' this refers to this foundational layer of consciousness transforming through internal heat of consciousness into 'morphoplastic' structures of consciousness.

In Energy Architecture and Engineering, the temperature of Shen varies based on the state of someone's awareness within the dream cycle and directly affects a person's capacity for expansive experiences. As the "fist of awareness" increases in tension, its temperature of Shen rises, leading to the possibility of accepting new beliefs and creating profound internal experiences. The concept of morphoplastic energy refers to the energy that alters the structures of consciousness and allows for the manifestation of new constellations OR the gravitational construction of new structures of awareness. The difference between these two options depends on whether one is in Linear Consciousness or Fractal Consciousness. Energy Architects and Engineers aim to help clients integrate new structures of consciousness through integration and mapping back to relevant symbols, irrespective of Linear or Fractal state, and increasing the potential of a significant "A-ha!" moment of expansive consciousness.


This is one of the few areas of Energy Architecture and Engineering that require extreme caution, whether working on the Self or with others. 


Shen has its own variability in temperature, and this variability dictates the depth of experience a person is capable of having. Most memories are a baseline for 'cold shen', and experiencing them does not change the energy structure. This is where the axiom "Feeling energy changes nothing about your level of consciousness" comes from.


As the 'fist of awareness' increases its tension and focus, the shen rises in temperature, and the capacity for accepting new beliefs opens. When shen heats up, it becomes a morphoplastic structure, a sort of in-between state of consciousness where energy exists before it becomes filtered by a need. It is raw potential, and experiences in this state of consciousness tend to quickly become profound. Application of gravity naturally increases the temperature of Shen in Linear Consciousness, which is why speaking with gravity creates profound experiences. You are increasing their morphoplastic structure to create a new dimension of consciousness.


Just like biological molecules, when you heat them up, the awareness also begins to behave differently when it reaches higher 'internal temperature' states. Walking a Moonlit Path naturally raises this internal consciousness temperature, allowing a new layer of energy to manifest. We refer to this new energy as 'Morphoplastic' because it is the energy that alters the 'shape' of structures of consciousness – 'morpho' meaning form or structure, 'plastic' meaning changeable. Morphoplastic energy enables the changing of constellations for the manifesting of the unmanifest structures of awareness. 


As Engineers and Architects, we enable our client's awareness to come into the center in a stable dimension so that their morphoplastic energy can arise to its highest potential within the '9 Minutes' before the plasticity begins to cool. This cooling period is the critical part; as the structures begin to settle into their new array, it is our job to ensure they are telling a story about how they sense their energy changing and helping them to define their single word to describe this structure. That word will be the anchor point that holds this structure in place, whether it becomes a motto, a mantra, a theme, or a song.


When a client has had sufficient time to integrate this new structure of consciousness, you can then map it back to the relevant interphasic symbol. If their awareness is ready, they will naturally 'tip over' from interphasic into multiphasic, have the 'A-ha!' moment of expansive consciousness, and experience their most needed solution or improvements.


Systems in the generation of 'EvoPrana.'


Common ‘Gotcha’s’ in the Containment Process