Unmanifest Energy Reveals the Needs of Consciousness

People naturally filter out energies that do not relate to their current need of consciousness. Every symbol has energy attached to memory divided between manifest and unmanifest energy. The unconscious mind can help absorb new understandings by building new possible pathways to meet the needs of consciousness. The "blank spots" in our awareness, spaces where there is energy not yet a part of an active constellation, are referred to as the unmanifest energy of a memory or dream and are still an influence in our life at a subtle level.


For everything we can perceive within our Inner Universe, there is a massive amount of filtering that happens because of how we 'bucketize' our Needs of Consciousness. We all naturally filter out the energies that do not relate to our current need of consciousness. But! This does not mean it's not attached to memory!


Within every symbol, we have energy attached to memory divided between Manifest and Unmanifest energy. Let's use the Parable of the Apple for example: when you think of an apple and you remembered eating a fresh apple, that's because of a natural tendency to think of what you DO with apples (have you noticed the way your body responds with chi to your memory of eating an apple?). When you realize that "apple" can also mean a technology brand, or describe printed images, you've turned this apple from a "Monophasic" symbol, with one static dream-language definition, into an interphasic one.


Imagine for a moment someone who has never seen an Apple iPhone. If they were to overhear two people talking about the camera improvements on the latest Apples, this might produce some wild mental images for this person! But the moment they experience an Apple iPhone, their definition grows to include a new layer of meaning that is distinctly different from the first. If this person were to have a dream about eating in iPhone, we could understand how their unconscious mind could be attempting to absorb this new understanding. They are building new possible pathways to meet the needs of consciousness for that symbol: where eating an apple might have once solved this need, the frustration of trying to 'eat and inanimate object' and 'finding a use for this inanimate object' suddenly overlay in a new level of consciousness.


This person is at the threshold of a much deeper understanding of what they are capable of, even if it isn't easily apparent to them! The dream has shown them that there is a level of frustration over how to use this new 'apple.' We refer to this as the Unmanifest Energy of a memory or dream. It is the space we hold of 'blank spots' in our awareness, the spaces where we have energy that is not a part of an active constellation but still an influence in our life at a subtle level.


Gravity Consciousness and Needs-Based Awareness


Lesson 4 Exercise: Following Unmanifest Energy