Gravity Consciousness and Needs-Based Awareness

Individuals grow and evolve through different stages of consciousness. At first, they focus on fulfilling physical and emotional needs but eventually reach a point where they are no longer satisfied by these experiences. This leads them to seek out something deeper and more meaningful. While there is a multiverse of 'next stage possibilities for Engineers and Architects, this next stage is "Fractal Consciousness," where you can learn how to perceive and fulfill their deeper needs of consciousness, leading to moments of true authenticity.


In Linear Consciousness, we grow as a newborn into the world of physical needs, evolving as all children do into the emotional needs that drive our desires and needs for specific experiences. Most of our waking experiences were either struggling against certain experiences, like daydreaming during a boring lesson or surrendering to them, as we did when following a group of friends in play.


As we aged, we began to need more complex and personally meaningful experiences to feel satisfied with life. With age came fewer restrictions against the freedom to explore who we are and what we want from our life. Many of us, including you, have the feeling we've explored to the ends of the earth, looking for these experiences that would help fill some unspoken need.


At some point, each of us realizes that what we seek is not available in our day-to-day earthly experiences. The rational, logical demand for experiences can no longer satisfy some hidden need of consciousness. Our physical and mental growth takes us to this point, and we now stand on the threshold of some next great leap.


That leap is what I call 'Gravity-based consciousness', or simply Fractal consciousness. In this state of consciousness, we no longer need to wait for the external environment to reveal and meet our consciousness needs. We grow in awareness to perceive these needs before they create our reality and experience who we are when these deep needs are truly met.


With the needs of consciousness met, we are allowed moments of true authenticity.


Fractal Consciousness and the Future of Human Energy Systems


Unmanifest Energy Reveals the Needs of Consciousness