What Are Aspects of Consciousness

"Aspects of Consciousness" are collections of constellations in the unconscious mind that form a platform for certain kinds of Consciousness, such as awareness, moral standpoint, and beliefs. The aspects are divided to experience more complex layers of foundational energies but can be bridged into the layers of Consciousness through a process called Containment. The effectiveness of the Containment process can vary depending on the aspects being bridged.


Now that we have grown our understanding from three foundational energies into a multi-dimensional array of complex experiences arranged around specific needs of Consciousness, we can begin to describe what "Aspects of Consciousness" are.


We've learned that arrays of energy and memory are collectively arranged in 'constellations' that allow our unconscious mind to use symbolic dream language and tell a story of how it observes the Consciousness changing from one state to another.


But if we zoom out of this Inner Universe Map, we might begin to notice yet another plane, a 'z-axis' within this cubed, 3-dimensional grid. Layers of Self are omnipresent throughout every memory or dream, each moonlit path, and all sensory experiences. These are the layers of Consciousness of which you, who are reading and comprehending this, are one.


The Observer, the Decider, the Unconscious, the Self, the Identity, the Id, Ego, and the Superego. All of these represent platforms of capacity for certain kinds of Consciousness.


An Aspect is a collection of constellations that span across these layers. For example, you may have an aspect of awareness that uses certain memories to justify a specific moral standpoint. You may have an aspect of Consciousness that limits who you believe you can be based on the name you go by. These aspects bridge layers of Consciousness through the "Axioms" that justify their necessity.


An aspect of Consciousness is divided to experience, the sensation of energy, and what experiences the Unmanifest. Using the Containment process, we can begin to bridge these aspects into the layers of Consciousness it is preparing to manifest. This is why some Containment processes may seem less 'profound' than others.


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