First Principles of Energy Engineering

Respect Others. Every action made within a culture reacts to someone else's needs. We can show better Respect for the needs of others by neither encouraging nor deterring another's experience. Listen carefully and deeply, asking questions instead of stating assumptions. Let go of the need to control what other people experience. Allow others to own their experience fully. We cannot give them our experiences, and we cannot have their experience for them. We allow others to experience their own needs fully.

Respect Yourself. This is your life, your chance to explore and expand who you are at an energetic level. These moments here now can never come again. Consider time as a holy thing, where you get to manifest your energy into the physical world. Forgive the energy that has been attached to memory and start from where you are, now. Respect the energy that has brought you to this moment and embrace the direct experience, knowing you are constantly creating it for yourself.

With these two elementary ethics, you can put your energy first. Your health, well-being, and growth become a part of every action you take and every movement, no matter how small, becomes a compounding benefit to your life.

1: Respect all Experiences. Architects build the space for others to have an expansive experience. We do not give them our experiences, nor do we tell them how they should have their own experiences.

• Neither struggle against nor fully surrender to the energy you feel.

2: Set aside the needs of the ego to begin working with the gravitational forces that direct the ebb and flow of awareness.

• Neither encourage nor deter the energy of memory in these experiences.

3: Remember that feeling energy changes nothing. Nothing in your consciousness will evolve if you only feel the energy moving from one constellation to another. To evolve, you must learn to contain that energy: become the origin of that energy and act from that origin in the world.

• The energy you feel in your awareness is the energy you are preparing to contain.


Overview of Natural Law in Energy Architecture


The Grids Behind the Eyes