The Grids Behind the Eyes

In the Advanced Shen exercise, you practiced breathing through the eyes to trigger different biochemical reactions. You may have noticed you do this kind of breathing naturally when experiencing heightened emotions like being in love or having something startle you.

This type of breathing bypasses many of the existing pranic grid placements and allows you to subtly shift the structures that make up your ego.


Breathing from the eyes triggers a very primal grid of prana that exists as a net just behind the eyes. I want you to take that fist of your mind, that force of focus of your awareness, and put it into a space just behind that grid.


Not 'behind' as in spatially to your eyes, but 'behind' it as in dimensionally.

Trust your Self to show you.


This specific grid of prana is a gateway to your Inner Hologram without requiring you to step into a hypnotic or meditative state.

Try calling up constellations from this space. How does it compare to working from the Inner Hologram?

What else is present in this space?


First Principles of Energy Engineering


Networks of Prana as the Basis of Ego