Fractal Consciousness and the Future of Human Energy Systems

In Linear Consciousness, people experience reality through an "Energy-Centered" awareness and prioritize experiences based on external needs. Energy Architecture and Engineering is designed to help people meet their needs within Linear Consciousness and learn how to design new experiences for others. Fractal consciousness is a "Gravity-Centered" awareness that creates the foundational energies of every experience and allows individuals to take conscious control of their own gravity. Mastery of Fractal Consciousness involves exploring the foundations of human energy systems and the mysteries of one's own awareness.


Today, many people experience reality through 'Linear Consciousness', where their awareness is 'Energy-Centered' and experiences are prioritized based on external or environmental needs. As we have been exploring, Fractal consciousness is the natural state of the universe, a 'Gravity-Centered' awareness of the reality that specializes in creating the energies of every experience.


Energy Architecture and Engineering is designed to do two things: to help you meet the needs that currently limit you within Linear Consciousness and to help you learn how to design new energetics for others to experience or refine existing ones.


Yes, that does include the possibility of creating new human energy systems beyond the Chi, Shen, and Prana that make up our Linear day-to-day.

Over time and as you learn the foundations of consciousness through the human energy systems, you will become very profoundly aware of the three basic energies that we used to build our linear experience of reality: Chi, Shen, and Prana. When you've explored the basics of human energy systems, you are ready to begin mastering how to meet the needs of consciousness that create these energies.


You will learn how to become a singularity of consciousness and take conscious control of the gravity you naturally contain. This process will take you through the deeper mysteries of your own awareness, showing you how you are capable of not only holding and acting on new dimensions of awareness but to create new experiences and platforms for others to experience.


Think about it. Everything in the human experience over the last four thousand years can generally be bucketed into one of twelve astrological zodiac signs. Yes, that is a lot of possibilities to experience, but if you're ready to break out of the archetypes and discover for yourself what 'something more' could feel like, all answers await you in Fractal consciousness.


Building for the Age of Capricorn


Gravity Consciousness and Needs-Based Awareness