How Shen Builds Prana

The way the energy of Shen builds up in our awareness affects our level of Consciousness and the story that plays in our minds. Our spoken and body language is a crucial aspect that filters and refines our individual configurations of Consciousness, enabling us to communicate and connect with others.


When the energy of Shen builds up in your awareness and the story begins to play, you should be noticing by now that the way you hold your energy changes along with the story. That your level of Consciousness is connected to the energy you have contained in memory.


Our language has a profound effect on our energy. Not just the spoken language but the body language as well. It is a layer of filtering and refining that makes our individual configurations of Consciousness something that can be understood in the communities in which we participate. These 'rituals of communication' are the basis for connecting with others and how others know to meet us where we are. After all, haven't some of the greatest miscommunications come from people talking from wildly different areas of awareness?


You may notice that some people are social chameleons. Shapeshifters of energy, naturally reflecting the energies and configurations of the people they talk with, fit seamlessly into that culture's communication rituals. We are going to practice this art form.


Start with a TV show. Find a moment, any moment, where someone is talking. Pause the show and try to repeat what the character said. Imagine the character's energy, where they would hold their energy centers, and which parts would feel hot or cold. Try repeating their lines. Walk for a moment in that character's imaginary life.


If you have someone willing to play make-believe with you, try holding a conversation with someone while holding the character's configuration of shen. What are you capable of paying attention to? How does this change the kinds of answers you think of giving or statements you can think of responding with?


How to Refuse the Shen of Others


Prana as Auric Filters