How to Refuse the Shen of Others

Conversations involve energy exchange between people's Shen energy centers. Prana acts as a filter for both what energy we project and what energy we perceive from others. People can sometimes adopt other people's energy configurations and forget their authenticity, but acknowledging this habit is essential for returning to their original Self.


You likely have noticed by now that all conversations come from places of shen interacting with layers of energy. In every conversation, we are transmitting energy and receiving energy. Prana acts as a filter for both what energy you can project into the world, and what energy from the world you're capable of perceiving. The layer of your awareness bridges the internal you with the external world.


Sometimes, we forget that this layer of received energy didn't originate from ourselves, even when we can feel it ourselves. Sometimes we practice holding other people's levels of Consciousness to understand them better, like a mask in a play. Sometimes we wear a mask for so long we forget to take it off.


To get back to our original authenticity, it's important to first acknowledge that we always borrow other people's configurations. That's how we grew up as children, by first adopting our parent's mindsets until we grow old enough to decide our own.


From here, this is the method I use to return all of myself back to myself:

I begin by settling into my physical body, concentrating my awareness on the space over the roof of my mouth.

I find a balance point between the two hemispheres of my mind.

I find a balance point between my past and my future.

I hold my mind in the configuration and say to myself the words

"All I am ever experiencing is my Self"

I observe all movements of energy without struggling against their shifting nor getting lost in the stories that might be told in the shifting of these energies.


I rest for a few moments in my natural state of Consciousness, fully aware that this particular state will change over time.


I note what is most naturally me and record the experience in my Dream Journal.


Networks of Prana as the Basis of Ego


How Shen Builds Prana