Networks of Prana as the Basis of Ego

The past few weeks have been focused on training awareness to recognize how symbols emerge from unconsciousness and run a particular layer of energy. This has been achieved by teaching the brain to pay attention to a specific layer of reality. Examining who we are and our values are part of the ego, a network of energy that shifts based on our environment and interactions with others. Understanding our energy and Consciousness is essential to comprehend ourselves before our physical body experiences energy.


You have been training your awareness to notice how your symbols emerge from unmanifest dimensions of Consciousness to run a specific layer of chi. This has happened not because you've learned how to slow down time by speeding up your awareness but because you have taught your brain as a sensory organ to pay attention to a specific layer of reality. You have brought this network of energies out from an unmanifest void and given it a structure, a pattern of energy and movement over time.


When you examine the deep questions of who you are: What is important to you, who you want to be in the world, and what this version of you does in the world, this becomes a network of prana that we inhabit called the ego. These networks shift based on the environments we find ourselves responding within and the people sharing these moments with us.


You've seen in the Shen exercises just how dependent our memories and levels of awareness are on the kinds of energy we are capable of holding. That we use our physical body as the first marker and source of those energies from memory.


We are preparing to understand who we are before our energies reach our physical bodies. Before the divisions of Consciousness ever provide us the experiences that we call 'energy.'


For this exercise, take a moment to settle into your body.

Step into your Inner Hologram and ask your Decider to bring up the energy centers and constellations of your True Self.

Avoid any urges to tell a story about the way your energy changes.

Rest in this state of Consciousness, knowing that if you wish it, this will be the future state of your Consciousness.


If any resistance arises in this process, pause and make a dream journal entry around this resistance. Use the exercises you have practiced with Chi and Shen to understand the needs creating this resistance.


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