Lesson 2 Exercise: Starting your first Constellation Map

Constellations Maps are our time to sit with our awareness and truly dig deeply into our experiences and what we need from them. For this exercise, please allow your mind to gently review your life in the past one week. Allow all of the memories you've experienced to come up exactly as they need to, without struggle or surrender. Simply observe, then with your printout or digital copy, begin by exploring these important questions:


  1. What experience from the last week do I need to focus on right now?

  2. Without judgment or hindsight, what morals guided my actions in this experience? 

  3. What do I value in myself in this experience?

  4. What in myself has made this experience uncomfortable?

  5. What do I love in others in this experience?

  6. What in others has made this experience uncomfortable?



Take a few moments to really sit with the answers to this question, and come up with a single line or sentence that describes the core belief of this moment. A belief that says "I am…"


Critically look at your core beliefs, values, and your inner senses' baseline. Be prepared to take actions to align with your core beliefs and values in the following lessons.


To begin your first map, start with a blank sheet of paper or your template copy. At the top as your topic, write "I am…" and complete it with a core belief you've identified above. For now, please keep it to a single word. This practice will help you immensely by examining where you might have a division. For example, if your "I am…" statement sounds something like "I am a natural leader when problems arise at work", you'll want to examine why you're thinking of being at work. Is that where you are, right now? Reducing this to a single word can help you become grounded and present in your terrain, your Manifest reality.


Now that we have a name for the configuration of the horizon in our inner universe, let's review some of the different kinds of 'Human Energy Systems' that create pinpoints within this horizon and how we use them in the formation and development of this inner universe. I would like to recognize that the foundations of my knowledge in these spaces come from a lifetime of studies in these respective cultures, religions, and practices. Please be aware that I have taken liberties with some of the definitions of these deeply cultural spiritual practices, for which no offense or misuse is intended. As always, these are by no means universal definitions, and I do not proclaim myself to be an expert or master on these topics. My gratitude for the knowledge and wisdom they represent is immense.


The more habituated you are to these 'constellations' of memories, lenses, and the chi to move physically, the more unconscious they become, and the unconscious associates those memories, actions, and energies into specific symbols that become the basis for your dream language.


These dream 'symbols' are the unconscious mind's way of explaining moving from one energy state to the next. This process of the symbol triggering the story to begin to run is a process I've poetically named 'Walking The Moonlit Path". This Moonlit Path is the story our unconscious mind tells us about how it observes our energy changing through the energy layers described above. Each story is a collection of memories, beliefs, ideas, wants, needs, expectations, and feelings.


Becoming aware of the Moonlit path and how it plays out in your linear experience of reality is critical to Energy Engineering. It represents the state of your Consciousness today, including the building blocks you actively use to make decisions for your future. Take as much time as you need to become deeply familiar with each layer of energy.



With all of that being said, let's summarize our process for creating a Constellation Map:



Steps for Mapping a Constellation are as follows:

  1. Start with a single "I am…" belief at the top of the page. Then, over this page and two other pages, draw one outline of yourself on a clean page.

  2. Each outline gets a label: Chi, Shen, and Prana.

  3. With the "I am" statement clearly in your mind, begin to draw on the outline what you feel, and where. It might be useful to pick different colors and symbols to represent the different states and energy sensations. Make sure to note them in a key on the side.

  4. Mark on these any areas you feel sensations:

  5. The Chi map should include flows or blocks, with a word or symbol describing the sensation of the energy: hot or cold, static, or heavy, etc. Remember to finish all energy work by breathing in your chi into your belly. You will be expected to remember this on your own from now on.

  6. Shen should include single words as a symbol that describe the memories, emotions, and daydreams.

  7. The Prana map should come with words as a symbol indicating what skills or aspects of awareness are pronounced when this constellation is active and where that activity occurs within your physical body.


The combination of these three keys of Chi, Shen, and Prana on the map represents a constellation. It is the configuration the multidimensional layers of your body holds itself in to achieve the "I am" state of Consciousness and some of the story that this state uses to achieve and maintain this level of Consciousness for yourself and those you interact with.


Three Foundational Energies of Consciousness


Limitations of Language in Fractal Consciousness