The Basics of Prana

The prana layer of energy is between the inner universe and the physical body, translating the chi of shen into manifest reality. This layer is the aura, which is the configuration of energy being manifested from memories and is the filter of what is sent out with words and deeds, as well as the filter for what energy from others can be aware of. Pranic gates of energy are part of this layer and can be experienced through stories and physical sensations. The chakras are symbols associated with pranic energy and are energetic lenses that limit and direct focus to help accomplish tasks.


Prana represents the Need of Consciousness – to Remember.


Lastly, we come to the 'prana' or 'pranic' layer of energy.


Prana in "Human Energy Systems" relates specifically to the layer of energy between your Inner universe and your Physical Body. This layer translates the chi of your shen out into Manifest reality.


That's right, this layer is your 'aura'. It is the configuration of the energy you are manifesting from your memories. This layer is the filter of what you send out with your words and deeds, as well as the filter that determines what energy from others you can be aware of.


Let's explore prana more closely.


Take a few deep breaths to step into your chi layer of energy, gathering at your stomach. Feel in your body for another objective, a pranic gate of energy that we will call a 'pranic gate' of energy just over the surface of your skin that stands out to you.


This pranic gate of energy is a part of a story. A story told it how to come to this place and why it should stay here. Speaking with energy from this place shares the pranic gate's configuration with other people, so that they will know how and when to experience it. For now, it's just enough to notice that it's here, and begin to listen to the stories that come up around this energy.

Remember to allow your attention to divide between the story the energy is telling you and how the physical sensations shift within your body. 


Now, please focus on one pranic gate in particular with the words you have written at the top of your paper. Notice what you can pay attention to, beyond the memories and physical sensations.


Do specific skills become easier or more challenging with this pranic gate? 

Is linear thinking or mathematics more straightforward in one state? 

Are your emotions more pronounced or less? 


Symbols can tie these associations like the 'chakras' of pranic energy; they are the energetic lenses you have tied your experiences to that Manifest throughout your energetic bodies. These pranic lenses limit and direct your focus to help you accomplish specific tasks.


Prana as Auric Filters


Foundational Energy: Prana