What is a Polarity Map?
The author would like to sincerely apologize for the “MS Paint” level of art, and enthusiastically looks forward to advancements in technology that would allow for more visually pleasing opportunities to recreate these diagrams
Polarity Maps are the outline by which we can turn Interphasic Symbols into Multiphasic Symbols. This transformation is the foundation and connection point when migrating from Linear Consciousness into Fractal Consciousness. The difference between this system and any other form of a spiritual undertaking is that this process allows us to step back and forth between these styles of Consciousness at will. Instead of regressively focusing on returning to some 'Origin' or demanding the abandonment of linear for some Heaven or Nirvana, this process represents the commitment to return. To bring back as much as we can for the benefit of this world and the people in it.
Polarity Maps are our visual representation of this process and our completion level. They can guide us to review any areas we may be missing to ensure that we form the strongest foundation possible to step gracefully into Fractal Consciousness.
How we make Polarity Maps:
Step 1: Define the pending Decision creating the fear-triggering symbol identified.
Allow the mind to daydream/Walk a Moonlit Path until the Interphasic symbol has been identified.
Step 2: Avoidance reaction to the Decision
Complete the Advanced Constellation worksheet, focus on Interphasic symbol identification, and begin to note the stories we tell after the Interphasic symbol arises. This will allow us to map how we struggle against or surrender to the unmanifest aspect of the Self that has not yet been attached with energy in memory.
Step 3a: Explore ways the mind Struggles against the Decision
Walk a Moonlit Path to explore all Symbols used to avoid experiences that require a Decision to be made.
Identify the Need for Consciousness that holds Struggle in place:
Step 3b (if applicable): Explore ways the mind Surrenders to the Need to avoid the Decision
Symbol(s) that triggers Surrender reactions:
(Note: Unmanifest structures built from Surrender are fairly uncommon, and these structures are the quickest to collapse into the Unmanifest. The most effective focus is on Struggle, but I have opted to include Surrender for completeness.)
Step 4: Need Creating the Experience
By examining the reasons for keeping the Struggle and Surrender in place and identifying what these allow you to avoid, name the Need that this decision loop allows being avoided in a single word