Foundational Energy: Shen

Shen energy differs from chi because it cannot be gathered or spent. Rather, it is a field of consciousness; this 'silent' energy represents the Need to Become.

Shen is the ability to pay attention to the physical sensations in your body and the story your mind is telling, allowing for a deeper understanding and use of shen energy. The more shen is used, the hotter one's internal awareness will feel, creating flexibility and plasticity that can change our horizons' constellations.

Shen is best described as a 'field' of awareness, and its understanding comes from feeling memories and daydreams while paying attention to the physical sensations in the body. By doing so, one can change the configuration of the energy held in the body.

The Basics of Shen

Think of an Apple

Strengthening Intuition: Trust the Lists

Your Mind is Like a Fist

Following Energy: Introducing Interphasic Symbols

Basics of Tracing Chi

Breathing Through Your Eyes


The Basics of Shen


Chi Exercise: Gathering Energy