
Lesson 3: Understanding the Language of Energy

Get ready to discover a whole new way of understanding yourself and the world around you! In this lesson, we'll be learning about the fantastic multidimensional language of energy and how it affects our perception of reality.

We'll focus on a powerful tool called the 'Inner Hologram.' This tool is made up of a bunch of energy 'portals' that connect us to our memories and emotions across time, which are all part of our experiences.

By tuning in to these portals, we can access a whole new level of multidimensional energy and learn to connect with it more profoundly. And we'll be doing all of this through meditation, a powerful tool to help us better understand the language of energy.

So get ready to open your mind and explore the incredible Inner Hologram! It's going to be an exciting journey!

To begin, let’s look at the Principles and Laws that Energy Architecture and Engineering functions within.

First Principles of Energy Engineering

Overview of Natural Law in Energy Architecture

Once you’ve become familiar with our First Principles and the Natural Laws of Energy Engineering, let’s shift gears with a delightful meditation to build off of everything you’ve learned so far, to create the Inner Hologram.

Listen to the Meditation here!

The Dream Journal

This week, we will be adding another layer to our understanding of the language of energy by incorporating a kind of ‘Dream Journal’. Once you are familiar with the concept and have a few copies of the Journal Page template, I want you to settle into this holographic space. Notice what it does when you're having a conversation, cooking a meal, daydreaming, or going about your day. Notice the different stages of energy and pay attention to how they feel.

Can you sense when a memory triggers Chi/Qi to gather in one spot of your body when you do simple tasks like preparing a meal or cleaning something in your home?

Can you feel your prana shifting your aura when a person enters the room or you pass a stranger in the grocery store?

Hold nothing back from your awareness in this holographic space: it is the container of your total consciousness. Allow your mind to wander without getting lost in the wanderings.

Feel how this space of the inner universe brings up the Shen energy you have attached to memory as a single symbol, as we have already done with 'apples.'

Focus on using dream language on the symbols and where their energy is stored in your physical body. Can you understand now why we practice Walking a Moonlit Path?

Start to map the symbols and see if any correlate with the map of the inner universe you started in Lesson 1.

Please pay attention to what these symbols mean regarding how you feel about them and where they are concerning other symbols.

Remember, Memories are grouped in Energetic Phases.

The symbols attached to the energy group by the same energetic type, like gravity, regardless of what would logically be associated. These groups of interconnected symbols can be referred to as phases.

An example of an energy attached symbol is 'Apple.' In this context, the definition of a 'phase' would be the memories you recalled of apples you have eaten. Separated from this phase would be the experiences apples you have not eaten (pictures, decorations, brands, etc.) in different phases.

Do you recall earlier when you were asked about your specific apple? If you walked a moonlit path with this question, actively remembered energies would manifest in your aura, creating the lens of your perception. The energy from the memory of eating a specific apple would be present in your aura.

However, the examples that you did not remember represents 'unmanifest' energy that you contain but need to be actively using. In Energy Engineering, we are most concerned with the two primary phases that energy can exist in: the manifest and the Unmanifest.

Manifest Energy is the memory that defines the scope of your awareness and limits your possible reactions. Unmanifest Energy is the energy of every experience you have ever had and are not actively remembering.

In the same way that the mind collects manifest and unmanifest symbols in phases, cultures gather and express their potential experiences from people as a collective consciousness. The universe loves fractals!

Ready to test our your Inner Hologram? Try this exercise!

Lesson 3 Integration Project

Continue your practice of mapping constellations, with your first goal being to map two more constellations. Be sure to begin each session by stepping into your holographic space of the inner universe, where the energies of memory begin to overlap.

In addition, begin keeping a list of the names of symbols that come up for you in your constellations. Remember to narrow them down to single words. Not only is this practice of distilling whole experiences down into a single word a critical skill in Advanced Engineering, but you will need this dictionary of symbols to help you begin to translate the more profound languages of your energy.

Note! The completion of this lesson marks the end of the Tinkerer tier.

If you are continuing on as an Engineer, thank you for your time and commitment with Energy Architecture and Engineering!

Knowledge Check:

See if you can answer the following questions before moving on to the next lesson:

What is a dream symbol?

Where is a dream symbol experienced?

Does remembering a symbol change the structure of your energy?


Lesson 2: Daily Energy Exercise


Lesson 3: Meditation 1