
Lesson 1: Introducing Energy Architecture and Engineering

Welcome, Energy Engineers and Architects of the future! I’m your guide to multidimensional consciousness and this is your first lesson in expansive energetics.

Energy Architecture and Engineering is a new modality that enables individuals to understand the energetic structure of the world as it exists today in order to transform themselves into limitless powerhouses of possibilities by tapping into their full potential, elevating their consciousness, and exploring the world of gravity-based energy structures. The course provides an opportunity to overcome negative habits and mindsets, master the foundational energies of Linear Consciousness, and create new energetic fractal patterns of consciousness. This leads to more harmonious and fulfilling experiences and helps individuals discover their true purpose in life. The course is not for those currently healing from trauma but for those ready to unlock their true potential and become their authentic selves, creating a unique and powerful foundation for their future.

But first, a quick Disclaimer!

The Energy Architecture and Engineering modality is designed for those ready to tap into their energetic maximums and express their whole selves, but it's important to consult a qualified doctor and proceed under the guidance of an experienced teacher to avoid confusion and injury. The training is not recommended for anyone under 18 or diagnosed with a psychiatric illness, and those experiencing an emotionally difficult time should wait until their life has become more settled. It's not a healing modality, but it's a great place to overcome negative habits and mindsets leading to adverse outcomes. Remember to rely on your emotional support team as you embark on this exciting journey of self-discovery and growth!

Your first exercise in Lesson 1 is to begin your practice of Walking a Moonlit Path. (link to instructions opens in a new window!) This simple meditation of ‘daydreaming’ allows you to build a habit of observing the stories your awareness is sharing with you without becoming lost in them.

Introducing the Three Foundation Energy Systems of Linear Consciousness

In Energy Architecture and Engineering, we know that the majority of the energy that in Human Energy Systems comes from three sources: Physical Body energy, the Energy from Memory, and Emotional Energy that you act on.

Respectively referred to as chi, shen, and prana.

Chi is understood as the vital life force or energy that flows within our human body. It's often described as a subtle, yet tangible, sensation that can be felt as warmth, tingling, or a gentle breeze.

We can take in more chi by breathing in deeply from your nose, down into your belly. Try it for 5 breaths, inhaling down into your belly and gently exhaling out through your nose in whatever manner feels most natural to you.

When you feel chi, you have physical sensations: cold or hot, heavy or light, stuck or flowing.

When you experience chi in your day-to-day life, some parts of the energy in that experience attaches to memory and becomes ‘shen’.

Shen, or light, is the energy of memory. When you have a memory or daydream, shen is the energy of how big or small the picture is. How near or far. It’s the volume of the song stuck in your head, and the locations of where you hear a narrator when reading the words on this page.

As you are experiencing these internal sensations of chi and shen, the memories are informing your energy how to hold itself: tense or loose, flowing or stagnant. These become the lenses that filter your perception, just like a chakra or layers of an aura. When you act on the energy of these memories and imaginations, you are manifesting these structures of energy into our shared reality, and this becomes prana.

Want to learn more about Chi, Shen, and Prana?

Visit the Foundational Energy Hub for more information and exercises to try!

What is an Energy Architect? What do they do?

Energy Architects have mastered the foundational energies of Linear Consciousness and can create new energetic fractal patterns of consciousness, leading to more harmonious and fulfilling experiences and helping individuals discover their deeper purposes in life.

They accomplish this by generating a very special kind of energy that creates profound experiences of personal growth and evolution. These energetic experiences and the way that manifest in memories are like building blocks that make up our transformational experiences using a kind of 'programming language' of the universe . One that generates the alchemy of expansive consciousness. We call this programming language "Dream Language", and when combined with a mastery of linear energy systems, becomes capable of creating whole new dimensions of consciousness.

Knowledge Check

You should be able to answer the following questions before moving on to the next lesson:

What is Linear Consciousness?

What is Fractal Consciousness?

What is the Self?

Lastly, I have a question for you to answer intuitively:

What would it mean for you to act authentically from your own energy?

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Lesson 2: Learning How to Listen to Energy