
Lesson 2: Learning How to Listen to Energy

Today we are opening the book on a new perspective called Energy Architecture and Engineering, which aims to help individuals like yourself discover their authentic selves by breaking free from the conditioning of societal expectations.

The world as we know it today is currently governed by an energetic process that determines our individual growth by limiting individual awareness. Energy Architecture and Engineering can help you to map and understand your inner universes to expand beyond these limitations. The process starts by examining one's dreams, beliefs, and the ‘foundational energies’ that make up the language you use to describe your experiences.

We all start from where we are now. This is a time for new beginnings and elevating principles. Your horizon expands from here. Your expansion begins now.

My personal goal for Energy Engineering is to help people discover their authentic Self from the conditioning of the needs of others. I would love to see Engineers and Architects designing the most optimally personalized plan for living in Fractal Consciousness and expressing their energetic presence to the fullest degree in the manifest world. Energy Engineering, where we begin this work, is about learning to discover and administrate the changes to achieve that plan for Fractal Consciousness.

We are individually responsible for the day-to-day operations that feed into this cycle of continuous self-improvement, self-manifestation, and personal growth.

No one arrives here by accident. There is a path you have taken, one that has led you to this moment step by step. Experience by experience. This is where we begin this instruction. Learning the processes that govern how you generate your experience of reality is the foundation to becoming an Energy Engineer, and eventually, an Architect.

However, this world of Engineers and Architects doesn't quite exist yet. It's something you and I will create, together. Let's take a moment to get a clear view of the terrain we will create. I call this terrain 'Manifest Reality'; it is the full sum of the world with which your senses can interact. Manifest reality is not just the sensory information, but also the ideas and symbols we form about the information our senses convey to us in this terrain. These symbols manifest as dreams and stories. If you'll recall, 'Energy attaches to memory', and these symbols inform our senses on what state of Consciousness to arrange itself into. This energy exchange happens not just in our physical environment, but with every conversation, we have with other people. Let's explore how this happens in closer detail.

The world as it exists today is a collective consciousness that governs the 'acceptable' intervals of awareness through communication rituals. That is to say; we collectively attain specific levels of Consciousness in ritual acts with one another. Have you ever noticed your awareness suddenly changing when someone says, "Good morning!"? Can you feel your attention rearranging itself to answer with an expected reply? This is a ritual of communication that brings all participants to a collectively acceptable level of Consciousness. After all, how many of us genuinely answer "How are you?" honestly and fully?

This ritual of communication is the basis for all linear Consciousness. It exists on linear timelines that leap sideways at any given moment, like a dream suddenly changing mid-thought. Have you ever noticed how unnatural that can feel? The language we use, and the rituals to convey our level of Consciousness are a limitation on our awareness; a limit of the totality of Self that we can bring into manifest reality.

The language of energy exists in three defined states within Linear Consciousness.

Use this Article and the linked Energy Hubs to explore each foundational energy before moving on to the next part of this lesson.

I also recommend you do this Lesson 2 Energy Exercise and this Meditation as often as you can while studying Lesson 2.

Introducing: Constellation Maps

A Constellation Map is a tool used in Energy Engineering to understand and optimize the flow of vital energies within our consciousness. These energies, represented by Chi, Shen, and Prana, correspond to our fundamental needs: to Do, to Become, and to Remember. By mapping these energies, we can identify and address any gaps or imbalances in our consciousness, leading to more complete and fulfilling experiences. Essentially, it helps us unlock the full potential of our consciousness and expand our awareness.

The Basic Constellation Map

To begin your first steps into Energy Architecture and Engineering in earnest, you will learn how to become very familiar with the horizon of your inner universe.

Exercise: Building your Constellation Map with Energy

You will learn how to survey and map your inner universe. This map is the landscape that will become your Architecture plan. In this Lesson, you will create the first part of a blueprint to a new level of Consciousness. The Engineer always goes first, and we only work on people for what we would go through ourselves.

The process we will use to map the landscape of your inner universe begins with your beliefs. Look at how you step into each moment, listen to what you tell yourself about that experience. Does it sound something like "I am afraid"? Or maybe "I am in control."? Observe how you understand the world around you and how you choose to respond to it. The fastest way to explore these "I am" statements is to explore your core beliefs. These are some questions I like to use to help me quickly discover who "I am" at this moment.

Access the Foundational Energy Hub

This link will take you to a repository that contains in-depth articles and exercises explaining the Three Foundational Energies. While the majority of the basic content is accessible to Tinkerers, you will need to have an Engineer level account to view the more advanced articles and exercises.

Lesson 2 Integration Project

In order to integrate the learnings more fully from these lessons, you will be provided with weekly "Integration Projects". Please complete these prior to starting your next Lesson.

1. Begin a daily energy exercise practice if you don't already.

2. Try each energy exercise from Tier 2 “Engineer” at least once.

3. Identify and map five symbols and at least 2 Constellations.

Your first expansive thought to ponder for the coming week is:

"The words you speak become the level of consciousness others will meet you at."

Knowledge Check:

See if you can answer the following questions before moving on to the next lesson:

What is chi? How does it feel to your awareness?

What is shen? How does it feel to your awareness?

What is prana? How does it feel to your awareness?

Are you doing a daily energy meditation?


Lesson 1: Introducing Energy Architecture and Engineering


Lesson 2: Meditation